% Reference: "False alarms: How early warning signals falsely predict abrupt sea
% ice loss",
% T.J.W. Wagner & I. Eisenman (2015), Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 066297
% This script numerically solves the system described by eqn (1) in the
% article above.
% The full model description is given in "How Model Complexity Influences
% Sea Ice Stability",
% T.J.W. Wagner & I. Eisenman, J Clim (2015), henceforth WE15.
% The present model is equivalent to that of WE15, but with the added
% feature of (reddened) stochastic noise forcing.
% Till Wagner and Ian Eisenman, November 2015
% Minor bug fix, Jan 2022: in eq.A1 S(:,i)->S(:,i+1)
% (and accordingly repeated 1st column at end of S array)
% ----------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------
n = 200; %grid resolution
dur = 350; %duration of simulation
sig = 0.5; %noise amplitude
Fdef= 0; %initial Forcing level
%(F = 0 corresponds roughly to pre-industrial levels)
spinup = 50; %start ramping after 'spinup' years
%%Model parameters (WE15, Table 1 and Section 2d) -------------------------
D = 0.6; %diffusivity for heat transport (W m^-2 K^-1)
S1 = 338; %insolation seasonal dependence (W m^-2)
A = 193; %OLR when T = T_m (W m^-2)
B = 2.1; %OLR temperature dependence (W m^-2 K^-1)
cw = 9.8; %ocean mixed layer heat capacity (W yr m^-2 K^-1)
S0 = 420; %insolation at equator (W m^-2)
S2 = 240; %insolation spatial dependence (W m^-2)
a0 = 0.7; %ice-free co-albedo at equator
a2 = 0.1; %ice=free co-albedo spatial dependence
ai = 0.4; %co-albedo where there is sea ice
Fb = 4; %heat flux from ocean below (W m^-2)
k = 2; %sea ice thermal conductivity (W m^-2 K^-1)
Lf = 9.5; %sea ice latent heat of fusion (W yr m^-3)
cg = 1e-3; %ghost layer heat capacity(W yr m^-2 K^-1)
tau = 3e-6; %ghost layer coupling timescale (yr)
%%time stepping
nt = 1e3;
dt = 1/nt;
%%Spatial Grid ------------------------------------------------------------
dx = 1/n; x = (dx/2:dx:1-dx/2)'; %native grid
%%Diffusion Operator (WE15, Appendix A) -----------------------------------
xb = (dx:dx:1.0-dx)'; lambda=D/dx/dx*(1-xb.*xb);
a=[0; -lambda]; c=[-lambda; 0]; b=-a-c;
diffop = - diag(b) - diag(c(1:n-1),1) - diag(a(2:n),-1);
%%Definitions for implicit scheme on Tg
cg_tau = cg/tau; dt_tau = dt/tau; dc = dt_tau*cg_tau;
kappa = (1+dt_tau)*eye(n)-dt*diffop/cg;
%%Seasonal forcing (WE15 eq.3)
ty = dt/2:dt:1-dt/2;
S=[S S(:,1)];
%%Further definitions
M = B+cg_tau;
aw= a0-a2*x.^2;
kLf = k*Lf;
%%Set up output arrays, saving 100 timesteps/year
E100 = zeros(n,dur*100);
T100 = zeros(n,dur*100);
%%ramping rate
dF = 1/(20*nt);
%%Initial conditions ------------------------------------------------------
T = 10*ones(n,1);
Tg = T; E = cw*T;
%%noise timeseries
sig_noise = sig/sqrt(dt);
noise = sig_noise*randn(1,dur*nt);
lp = 1/52; %1 week 'decorrelation' time
alpha = exp(-dt/lp); nalpha = sqrt(1-alpha^2);
N_red = noise*0;
N_red(1) = noise(1);
for i=2:length(noise)
%%run the model -----------------------------------------------------------
p = 0; m = 0; N = 0; F = Fdef;
%%Integration (see WE15_NumericIntegration.pdf)----------------------------
%%Loop over Years ---------------------------------------------------------
for years = 1:dur
%Loop within One Year-------------------------------------------------
for i = 1:nt
m = m+1;
if years > spinup %start ramping and noise after spin up
F = F+dF;
N = N_red(m);
%store 100 timesteps per year
if (p+1)*nt/100 == m
p = p+1;
E100(:,p) = E;
T100(:,p) = T;
% forcing
alpha = aw.*(E>0) + ai*(E<0); %WE15, eq.4
C =alpha.*S(:,i)+cg_tau*Tg-A+F+N;
% surface temperature
T0 = C./(M-kLf./E); %WE15, eq.A3
T = E/cw.*(E>=0)+T0.*(E<0).*(T0<0); %WE15, eq.9
% Forward Euler on E
E = E+dt*(C-M*T+Fb); %WE15, eq.A2
% Implicit Euler on Tg
Tg = (kappa-diag(dc./(M-kLf./E).*(T0<0).*(E<0)))\ ...
(Tg + (dt_tau*(E/cw.*(E>=0)+(ai*S(:,i+1) ...
-A+F+N)./(M-kLf./E).*(T0<0).*(E<0)))); %WE15, eq.A1
yrs = sprintf('year %d complete',years); disp(yrs)
%compute ice edge
xi = ones(1,p);
for i = 1:p
if any(E100(:,i)<0)==1
xi(i) = x(find(E100(:,i)<0,1,'first'));
%compute yearly summer and winter ice area and temperature at pole
SIA = zeros(1,dur-spinup);
Tpole = SIA;
sept= (76+spinup*100):100:p; %summer dates excluding spinup
mar = (26+spinup*100):100:p; %winter dates excluding spinup
SIA_sept= 255*(1-xi(sept)); %summer ice area in million km^2
SIA_mar = 255*(1-xi(mar)); %winter ice area in million km^2
Tpole_sept= T100(end,sept); %summer temperature at pole
Tpole_mar = T100(end,mar); %winter temperature at pole
Fv = linspace(Fdef,F,dur-spinup); %yearly forcing without spinup
%plot summer/winter ice areas and temperatures at the pole
figure(1); clf
plot(Fv, SIA_sept,'r',Fv,SIA_mar,'b')
xlabel('F (W m^{-2)}')
ylabel('Sea Ice Area (10^6 km^2)')
plot(Fv, Tpole_sept,'r',Fv,Tpole_mar,'b')
xlabel('F (W m^{-2)}')
ylabel('Temperature at Pole (^oC)')