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Current Position
Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington

2018 - present

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Postdoctoral Scholar

2013 - 2017


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Mathematics

(Joint with the British Antarctic Survey)

2009 - 2013


University of Cambridge

Master of Advance Studies in Mathematics (Part III) 

2008 - 2009


University of Bristol

Master of Science (M.Sci.) in Physics and Philosophy

2004 - 2008

Selected Awards & Fellowships

Frontiers of Innovations Scholars Program (FISP)

Postdoctoral Fellowship

Project title: "Uncovering the physical mechanisms driving the variability of Arctic sea ice"

Cambridge Philosophical Society

Research Studentship

'...for the continuation of an exceptionally promising piece of research beyond the usual standard of the PhD...'


OCCAM, Oxford University

King Abdullah University of Science & Technology Visiting Studentship

Host: Dr Dominic Vella


Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Guest Program Studentship

Host: Prof. Hanumant Singh

Area: Morphological Analysis of Sea Ice Imagery


NASA, Goddard Space Flight Centre, Cryospheric Science Branch

Visiting Student

Host: Dr Thorsten Markus

Area: Study of Sea Ice Ridge Characteristics from IceBridge LiDAR


Award for Best Presentation

'Floating Carpets and the Delamination of Elastic Sheets'

2nd Year Ph.D. Student Talks, DAMTP, Cambridge


Smith-Knight Essay Prize in Mathematics, DAMTP, University of Cambridge


Honorary Senior Exhibition,  Gonville & Caius College, University of Cambridge


Scholar of the Cambridge European Trust,

Cambridge European Trust, University of Cambridge

Till J.W. Wagner

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